Cash Payment Restrictions: Slovak Reality
With the public discussion absent, Slovakia introduced strict cash payment limits. Only 7 member countries offer stricter limits. Yet, the problems of the “age of cash” have not disappeared – and new risks emerged.
Let’s Ban Uber and Live in the Trees
Imagine a world in which everything has to be approved by the parliament, and only then that thing might actually happen. In such a world, there would be no innovations. In a different kind of world, things change first and the laws follow. Recently, the news that the General Advocate has advised the Court of Justice of the EU to recognize Uber as a standard taxi service appeared online. First, we should probably admit that the attorney was doing his job conscientiously.
Macron’s Agenda: A Common Market with Borders
National populists jeopardize the freedom of movement in Europe. Socialist populists jeopardize the free movement of goods and services.
Bureaucracy index
What does ”Red Tape“ mean to an average small entrepreneur? Now entrepreneurs of Slovakia, Bulgaria, and the Czech Republic know the numbers!
Deficit too slow to drop
O vyrovnanom rozpočte by sme nemuseli len snívať, treba však robiť správne kroky.